Mongolia's first national port revitalization Forum by the Mongolian government, the national port revitalization committee, border port administration, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, inland developing countries international research center and ulanbaatar chamber of commerce, on March 25,2024 to 26 in the Mongolian capital ullaanbaatar, the Prime Minister Luvsannamsrai Oyun-Erdene and ministries relevant government leaders to attend the Forum and the relevant policy interpretation and keynote speech.
ACFC/BBQ 蒙古国首席代表 Duuren Ganbold 先生受邀出席本次首届港口振兴国家论坛, 并成为国家陆港发展协会的首届董事会成员, 代表私营部门参与发展国家陆港, 国家正在努力落实与私营部门的伙伴关系。在政府综合政策框架内,蒙古国家港口委员会、经济部长、道路运输部长、建设和城市发展部长等部门和政府机构,以及私营部门和非政府组织全力支持和 协调合作,以促进蒙古国自由经济贸易区及陆港的发展。
Chief Representative of ACFC / BBQ Mongolia, Mr.Duuren Ganbold, were invited to attend the first Port Revitalization National Forum and became the first board member of the National Land Port Development Association, representing the private sector Participating in the development of national land ports, the country is working hard to implement partnerships with the private sector. Within the framework of the comprehensive government policy, the Mongolian National Port Committee, Minister of Economy, The Minister of Road Transport, the Minister of Construction and Urban Development and other departments and government agencies, as well asthe private sector and non-governmental organizations, fully support and coordinate cooperation to promote the development of the free economic and trade zone and land ports in Mongolia.