
蒙古国港口振兴国家论坛 - 2024 “Port Revival” National Forum-2024

ACFC/BBQ 蒙古国首席代表 Duuren Ganbold 先生受邀出席本次首届港口振兴国家论坛, 并成为国家陆港发展协会的首届董事会成员, 代表私营部门参与发展国家陆港, 国家正在努力落实与私营部门的伙伴关系。在政府综合政策框架内,蒙古国家港口委员会、经济部长、道路运输部长、建设和城市发展部长等部门和政府机构,以及私营部门和非政府组织全力支持和 协调合作,以促进蒙古国自由经济贸易区及陆港的发

BBQ Global Summit Forum \"Lake Baikal - Consul General\'s Night\" It was successfully held in Foshan

On the evening of December 18, 2020, the BBQ Global Summit Forum with the theme of \"The future of Humanity -- The Earth and Clean Water\", \"Baikal - Consul General\'s Night\", was successfully held

China-Mongolia-Russia Economic, Trade and Cultural Carnival

China-Mongolia-Russia Economic, Trade and Cultural Carnival, the 60th Asia-Pacific Film Festival and the China Lin General Chamber of Commerce were launched. The press conference was held ceremoniousl

U.S.-China Joint Presidential Statement on Climate Change Washington D.C.,

Over the past three years, climate change has become a pillar of the U.S.-China bilateral relationship. Both countries have taken strong measures at home to build green, low-carbon and climate-resilie

the 40th President of the United States : Ronald Reagan

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