BBQ与俄罗斯政府共同举办人类的未来 - 保护地球与洁净水“贝加尔湖”国际论坛
BBQ and the Russian government jointly held the "Lake Baikal" International Forum on "The Future of Mankind - Protecting the Earth and Clean Water".
广西拥有丰富多样的乡村地标传统食品,其背后蕴含着深厚的地域文化与独特的生态资源。与此同时,俄罗斯贝加尔湖作为全球科学界瞩目的神奇之地,有着独特的生态奥秘,其从未发现动植物灭绝记录且存续 2500 万年,承载着地球对宇宙生命的全信息,更拥有全球 20% 的淡水资源。将两者结合,通过创新的飞地经济模式,有望开辟出一条全新的生态农业与文化交流发展之路。
1. 利用广西乡村本土资源与贝加尔湖的生态元素,打造一个集农业试验、文化交流、研学体验、经济发展于一体的综合性社区。
2. 以俄罗斯原生态生命元素的活性食品“贝加尔湖冰淇淋”为特殊肥料试验种植养殖,探索提升广西农产品品质与生态适应性的新路径。
3. 为广西各群体,包括青少年儿童、政府、企业、家庭和个人,搭建一个携手全球保护地球生态、参与飞地经济、迈向共同富裕的交流平台。
南宁国际铁路港区域的广西与全球飞地经济共同富裕示范 BBQ 社区产业园 (如图:广西南宁江南区金凯路112号)
1. 组织专业团队深入广西各个乡村,收集地标传统食品的种养种苗,详细记录种苗来源、品种特性、适宜生长环境等信息,确保种苗的纯正性与多样性。
2. 采集乡村所在地的土样,按照科学标准进行分类、封装,标注采集地点、土壤质地、酸碱度等关键数据,以便后续分析土壤与引入元素的适配性。
1. 将收集到的种苗、土样、水样安全运往南宁国际铁路港区域的BBQ社区产业园,途中做好温控、保湿、防震等保护措施,确保物资完好抵达。
2. 从BBQ社区指定的冷库调出 2022 年初春专门从俄罗斯进口并保存观测贝加尔湖生态生命信息元素24个月的“贝加尔湖冰淇淋”,转运至 BBQ社区产业园内指定存储区域,为后续农业试验做好准备。
1. 邀请农业专家、生态学者对产业园内空地和空间资源进行勘察,依据不同种苗特性、土壤样本差异以及水源条件,划分出多个试验种植养殖区域,制定详细的区域规划图。
2. 设计以贝加尔湖冰淇淋为肥料的试验方案,包括施肥量、施肥周期、施肥方式等变量设定,同时规划对照组,确保试验数据的科学性与可比性。
1. 按照规划方案,将广西乡村种苗进行移栽、播种,严格遵循本土种植养殖习惯进行日常管理,同时在相应区域按照试验设计施加贝加尔湖冰淇淋肥料。
2. 定期监测种苗生长状况,记录植株高度、叶片色泽、病虫害情况等生长指标,实时收集土壤、水源变化数据,分析贝加尔湖元素引入后的生态反馈。
1. 面向广西青少年儿童开展研学活动,设置科普课程讲解贝加尔湖生态知识、农业试验原理,组织实地观察体验,培养他们的生态保护意识与科学探索精神。
2. 为政府、企业、家庭和个人举办开放日活动,展示试验成果,分享生态发展理念,吸引各方力量参与到飞地经济项目中来,推动文化经贸交流合作,逐步将该社区打造成全球生态农业合作典范。
1. 生态意义:通过引入贝加尔湖的生态意象与资源,为广西绿色生态注入新活力,探索跨地域生态协同发展模式,助力保护地球生态与洁净水资源。
2. 经济意义:借助飞地经济模式,激活乡村传统食品产业,带动农产品附加值提升,创造更多就业与创业机会,推动广西走向共同富裕之路。
3. 文化意义:搭建广西与全球交流的桥梁,促进多元文化在社区内碰撞融合,让广西少数民族文化走向世界,同时吸纳国际先进生态理念,丰富本土文化内涵。
1. 种苗适应性风险:部分种苗可能因环境变化或新肥料出现生长不良,应对措施为提前做好种苗驯化研究,储备备用种苗,随时调整试验方案。
2. 肥料效果不确定性:贝加尔湖冰淇淋作为肥料的效果有待验证,可能达不到预期增产提质效果,将持续监测数据,联合科研力量分析改进,必要时调整肥料配方或使用方式。
3. 外部环境影响:如极端天气、病虫害大爆发等,建立预警机制,配备防灾减灾设施,加强日常病虫害防控,确保试验顺利进行。
八、项目实施领导小组及联络人 卢微阳(BBQ 工号007)Lu Weiyang 电话/微信 18878780788
The BBQ Community has been working hand in hand with the head of the government of the Republic of Buryatia in Russia for a long time to jointly commit to protecting Lake Baikal.
I. Project Background
Guangxi is rich in diverse traditional rural landmark foods, which are imbued with profound regional cultures and unique ecological resources. Meanwhile, Lake Baikal in Russia, as a miraculous place that has drawn the attention of the global scientific community, holds unique ecological mysteries. There has never been a record of plant or animal extinction there, and it has survived for 25 million years. It carries all the information of the Earth's life in the universe and also possesses 20% of the world's fresh water resources. By combining these two aspects and through the innovative model of enclave economy, it is expected to open up a brand-new path for the development of ecological agriculture and cultural exchanges.
II. Project Objectives
Utilize the local resources of rural areas in Guangxi and the ecological elements of Lake Baikal to build a comprehensive community integrating agricultural experiments, cultural exchanges, study tour experiences, and economic development.
Use "Lake Baikal Ice Cream", an active food containing the original ecological life elements of Russia, as a special fertilizer for experimental planting and breeding, and explore new ways to improve the quality and ecological adaptability of agricultural products in Guangxi.
Build an exchange platform for all groups in Guangxi, including children and adolescents, the government, enterprises, families, and individuals, to join hands with the world to protect the Earth's ecology, participate in the enclave economy, and move towards common prosperity.
III. Project Location
The Industrial Park of the Guangxi and Global Enclave Economy Common Prosperity Demonstration BBQ Community in the Nanning International Railway Port Area (No. 112, Jinkai Road, Jiangnan District, Nanning, Guangxi).
Project Implementation
(A) Resource Collection
Organize professional teams to go deep into various rural areas in Guangxi to collect the breeding and planting seedlings of traditional landmark foods. Record detailed information such as the origin of the seedlings, variety characteristics, and suitable growth environments to ensure the purity and diversity of the seedlings.
Collect soil samples from the rural areas, classify and package them according to scientific standards, and label key data such as the collection locations, soil textures, and acidity and alkalinity, so as to facilitate the subsequent analysis of the compatibility between the soil and the introduced elements.
Cooperate with local water conservancy departments and relevant institutions to extract water samples from rural areas, test the water quality components, and provide a basis for the formulation of subsequent irrigation plans.
(B) Material Transportation and Preparation
Transport the collected seedlings, soil samples, and water samples safely to the BBQ Community Industrial Park in the Nanning International Railway Port Area. During the transportation, take protective measures such as temperature control, moisture preservation, and shock prevention to ensure that the materials arrive intact.
Transfer the "Lake Baikal Ice Cream", which was specially imported from Russia in the early spring of 2022 and has been preserved and observed for 24 months for the ecological and life information elements of Lake Baikal, from the cold storage designated by the BBQ Community to the designated storage area within the BBQ Community Industrial Park to prepare for the subsequent agricultural experiments.
(C) Experimental Planning and Layout
Invite agricultural experts and ecological scholars to survey the vacant land and spatial resources within the industrial park. Based on the different characteristics of seedlings, differences in soil samples, and water source conditions, divide multiple experimental planting and breeding areas and formulate detailed regional planning maps.
Design an experimental plan with Lake Baikal Ice Cream as the fertilizer, including the setting of variables such as fertilization amounts, fertilization cycles, and fertilization methods. At the same time, plan control groups to ensure the scientificity and comparability of the experimental data.
(D) Experimental Implementation
According to the planning plan, transplant and sow the seedlings from rural areas in Guangxi. Strictly follow the local planting and breeding habits for daily management. Meanwhile, apply Lake Baikal Ice Cream fertilizer in the corresponding areas according to the experimental design.
Regularly monitor the growth status of the seedlings, record growth indicators such as plant height, leaf color, and pest and disease situations, collect real-time data on changes in soil and water sources, and analyze the ecological feedback after the introduction of elements from Lake Baikal.
(E) Exchange and Promotion
Carry out study tour activities for children and adolescents in Guangxi. Set up popular science courses to explain the ecological knowledge of Lake Baikal and the principles of agricultural experiments. Organize on-site observation and experience activities to cultivate their ecological protection awareness and scientific exploration spirit.
Hold open day activities for the government, enterprises, families, and individuals. Display the experimental results, share ecological development concepts, attract all parties to participate in the enclave economy project, promote cultural, economic, and trade exchanges and cooperation, and gradually build this community into a model of global ecological agricultural cooperation.
V. Project Significance
Ecological Significance: By introducing the ecological image and resources of Lake Baikal, inject new vitality into the green ecology of Guangxi, explore the cross-regional ecological coordinated development model, and help protect the Earth's ecology and clean water resources.
Economic Significance: With the help of the enclave economy model, activate the traditional rural food industry, drive the increase in the added value of agricultural products, create more employment and entrepreneurship opportunities, and promote Guangxi to move towards the path of common prosperity.
Cultural Significance: Build a bridge for exchanges between Guangxi and the world, promote the collision and integration of diverse cultures within the community, let the ethnic minority cultures in Guangxi go global, and at the same time absorb advanced international ecological concepts to enrich the connotation of local cultures.
VI. Project Budget
The project budget is fully invested by the special industrial fund under the BBQ Community, including but not limited to the costs of seedling collection and transportation, soil and water sample testing, ice cream storage and transportation, expert hiring, site renovation, and study tour activity organization.
VII. Project Risks and Countermeasures
Seedling Adaptability Risk: Some seedlings may grow poorly due to environmental changes or the new fertilizer. The countermeasure is to conduct seedling acclimatization research in advance, reserve backup seedlings, and adjust the experimental plan at any time.
Uncertainty of Fertilizer Effect: The effect of Lake Baikal Ice Cream as a fertilizer remains to be verified and may not achieve the expected effects of increasing production and improving quality. Continuous monitoring of data will be carried out, and joint efforts with scientific research forces will be made for analysis and improvement. If necessary, the fertilizer formula or application method will be adjusted.
Influence of External Environment: In case of extreme weather, large outbreaks of pests and diseases, etc., an early warning mechanism will be established, disaster prevention and mitigation facilities will be equipped, and daily pest and disease prevention and control will be strengthened to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment.
VIII. Project Implementation Contact Person
Coordinator of "Food Resources" in the BBQ Community: Lu Weiyang, 18878780788