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美中友好促进会(ACFC) 始于1960年,致力创造人类未来全球飞地经济合作智库

日期: 2021-08-29 23:11:17    

美中友好促进会( ACFC ) 始于1960年,由年逾90岁高龄、现居美国洛杉矶、享誉世界的“总统之友”、著名美籍爱国华人领袖张政权( C.C.Chang )先生创立,历经60多年与各国政要建立友谊,致力创造人类未来全球飞地合作独立智库。

The ACFC was founded in 1960 by Mr. C. C. Chang, a 90-year-old world-renowned “Friend of the president” and noted american-chinese Patriot leader, after more than 60 years of friendship with world leaders, to create a global enclave of human future cooperation independent think tank.

美中友好促进会(原全称 American Chinese Friendship Association, 简称“ACFA”)经美国政府批准,于美国加州洛杉矶注册成立2016 年,由创会会长张政权(C.C.Chang)亲自部署,并指导现任会长林耀鲜( Jason Lin)及第三届领导集体共同决议美中友好促进会正式改组,并更名为:American Chinese Friendship Council ( 简称:ACFC)。ACFC 秉持科学创新、金融投资、产业集群的绿色可持续开发地球资源发展理念,坚信科学创新能为地球资源保护开发提供高效环保方案,金融投资提供成果转化资金支持,产业集群整合资源服务实体。联合各国政府与社会各方力量,保护开发利用地球矿产能源及生态资源,助力构建共同富裕和谐社会。创会会长张政权(C.C.Chang)联合新任会长林耀鲜(Jason Lin) 共同颁发任命美中友好促进会(ACFC) BBQ飞地经济智库驻中国、俄罗斯、印度、韩国、新加坡、蒙古、日本、以色列、土耳其、澳大利亚、加拿大、英国、德国、法国、意大利、阿联酋、叙利亚、埃及、黎巴嫩、老挝、缅甸、马来西亚、泰国、柬埔寨等全球五大洲主要国家地区驻地代表。

The American Chinese Friendship Association (ACFA) was established in Los Angeles, California, with the approval of the U.S. government. In 2016, it was personally deployed by its founding president, C. C. Chang, he also directed the current president, Jason Lin, and the third leadership group to decide on the formal reorganization which will be renamed the American Chinese Friendship Council (ACFC) . ACFC adheres to the green and sustainable development concept of scientific innovation, financial investment, and industrial clusters for the development of earth's resources. It firmly believes that scientific innovation can provide efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for the protection and development of earth's resources. Financial investment provides financial support for the transformation of achievements. Industrial clusters integrate resources to serve entities. Unite the forces of governments and all sectors of society in various countries to protect, develop, and utilize earth's mineral energy and ecological resources, and help build a harmonious society of common prosperity. Founding President Zhang Zhengquan (C. C. Chang, and Jason Lin, the newly appointed President of the BBQ enclave economic think tank of the American Chinese Friendship Council (ACFC) , jointly appointed resident representatives to China, Russia, India, South Korea, Singapore, Mongolia, Japan, Israel, Turkey, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Egypt, Lebanon, Laos, Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, and Cambodia.

图:创会会长张政权 (C.C.Chang)任命BBQ创始人林耀鲜(Jason Lin) 出任美中友好促进会第三任会长
(Photo: Founder C. C. Chang appoints BBQ founder Jason Lin as the third president of ACFC )

新一届美中友好促进会(ACFC)领导集体,传承美中友好促进会ACFC)逾60年促进各国政要友好合作,推动东西方文化互鉴,世界和平发展的智库积累,积极联合世界各国前沿科学创新资源、金融投资管道资源、十大产业集群商协会资源,组建“全球大公益与商业可持续发展的新型智库(BBQ - Big Benefit Quality)联盟“飞地经济智库联盟 / Fairtheworld Club Group”,关注人类与地球生态和谐发展,致力践行公益产业化、商业公益化的大公益(BBQ)新经济探索,推动新一轮全球资源再分配的节约型绿色经济、生态文明世界格局,实现人类命运共同体,世界共同富裕。

The new leadership group of the American Chinese Friendship Council (ACFC) will carry on the ACFC's work for more than 60 years to promote friendly cooperation among world leaders, promote mutual learning between eastern and western cultures, and accumulate think tanks for the peaceful development of the world, actively unite the resources of scientific innovation, financial investment pipeline and ten industrial cluster Merchants Association in the world, china will set up the BBQ-Big Benefit Quality Alliance for Sustainable Global Public Welfare and business: The Enclave Economic Think Tank Alliance/Fairtheworld Club Group to focus on the harmonious development of mankind and the Earth. China is committed to the industrialization of public welfare and the application of business-based public welfare in the exploration of a new economy. It will promote a new round of global resource redistribution, a conservation-oriented green economy and an ecological civilization, and achieve a community of shared future for mankind and common prosperity for the world.

(图:林耀鲜会长会见缅甸政府官员/photo: President Lin Yaoxian meets with Burmese government officials)