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日期: 2024-07-06 19:26:34    

日前,美中友好促进会(ACFC) 正式签署了重要合作协议(如图),与蒙古国家工商总会(MNCCI) 就共同推动蒙古国绿色经济发展达成伙伴关系。






Recently, the American Chinese Friendship Council officially signed an important cooperation agreement (pictured), reaching a partnership with the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry on jointly promoting the development of green economy in Mongolia. The purpose of this cooperation is to give full play to the advantages of the American Chinese Friendship Council in international cooperation and global science and technology, finance and industrial cluster resources, as well as the industrial influence and policy coordination ability of the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Mongolia, so as to jointly inject new vitality into the development of green economy in Mongolia.

The American Chinese Friendship Council firmly believes that green economy is an inevitable trend of global economic development. Mongolia has rich mineral and energy ecological resources and huge potential for green economy and development. Through close cooperation between the two sides, it is expected to achieve remarkable achievements in hydrogen energy development, environmental protection, ecotourism, safe food and other fields. The Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry attaches great importance to this cooperation, which will bring more cutting-edge technology, capital and market opportunities to Mongolia, promote the sustainable economic growth of Mongolia, and make positive contributions to improving the local ecological environment and improving the quality of life of residents. According to the Agreement, both parties will jointly set up special funds including but not limited to to support the development and promotion of green projects, strengthen talent exchange and training, cultivate a group of talents with green economy concept and professional skills; build an information sharing platform to promote the investment and cooperation of domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of green economy in Mongolia. The cooperation between the American Chinese Friendship Council and the Mongolian National Chamber of Commerce and Industry has been highly valued and supported by the Mongolian Government. Officials from relevant departments said that the government will provide necessary policy support and convenient conditions for cooperation projects to jointly promote the rapid development of Mongolia's green economy and contribute to the global green development. It is believed that with the joint efforts of both sides, Mongolia's green economy will usher in a new situation of vigorous development and set an example for sustainable regional and global development.